Peyton's Likes:
Playing Baby Class - "Okay Reese, time for baby class... your mom's leaving today."
Playing Airplane - Lizzy Airlines frequent destination of Kauai for Hula Class
Putting on Magic Shows - "TaDa.. magicians never tell their secrets."
DADDY - puts me to bed every night, voice of "big Fred"
Mimi - "Mimi, it's always happy when you're here."
Peyton's Dislikes:
Brussel Sprouts - "I fro-up on those."
Imaginary Friend - Aleeza
She lives at the North Pole with her sister, 'Little Aleeza' and cousin 'Leena'. Her dad's name is
'George' and he stays home while her mom goes to work. 'Puca' and 'Shelly' also live at the North Pole with Aleeza. 'Puca' is a pig and they do not like to put on "shows" with Peyton and Aleeza.