Saturday, September 1, 2007

The Summer that they...



and Swam

Unbelievable what a munchkin can accomplished over a summer!

Our sister/cousin Lucy Kate is a big sitter now. So fun to play with, and so flippin' cute!

DeeDee Reese is a walker. I told Brett when it happened, "I'm so excited right now, you'd think she's flying." It's the strangest feeling... you know she's going to walk, you've seen it happen before (Peyton) and still it's like a MIRACLE when it does. Weird.

And, Miss Peyton. What a brave little fish. So proud, we are!


Joanna said...

Yay for Reese!

Erin Burns said...

You come up with best blog ideas. I love how you say it all simple and sweet - but still tell so much!
The pic of Reese walking in too cute. I love her expressions :)