Sunday, September 30, 2007

Just yesterday...

Just yesterday it was Peyton holding onto our leg when unsure about unfamiliar environments. Most days Reese has taken over that role of the baby that hangs from my leg, today was different. Reese was holding onto PEYTON until she got her bearings in a new place with newish people.

Doesn't get sweeter than that.

Okay, not only do I love that clip for obvious reasons... but I absolutely LOVE that she "shushes" my dad as he walks by! She definately gets away with, what I never could.


Joanna said...

Wow. I could FEEL the love emanating from that video. I'll be rewatching that one when in need an emotional lift.

Nana said...

I am so proud of Peyton - she has come so far in her role of big sister. This is a precious moment.